"Do you think there'll be any cute guys on campus?" Cara asked, snapping her fingers in my face as the car started speeding forward. "I mean, I've been there before to check it out, but everyone seemed to be in class at the time...total shitty timing on my part."
"Well." I took a breath. "I think if there are any around, they'll probably be too old for you anyhow."
She fell back in her chair with a huff. "Shit."
Chuckling at her frustration, I repeatedly checked the GPS to make
sure that we were following the right path. Thank God for GPS. School didn’t
exactly teach us how to read a map efficiently, and neither of us joined Girl
Scouts or any kind of camp that helped us with direction. For two people that
were raised in the countryside, we were surprisingly more like a city gal than
anything else. After a few minutes of silence in the car, the GPS started
beeping. We had just left the boundary of Appaloosa Plains, now on the road to
the university campus.
“You have no idea how good it feels to get out of there.”
“Oh, I do,” Cara winked. “I’ve left plenty of times, but for some
reason, I keep coming back. Probably because one of my most favourite people on
this planet lives in that planet...otherwise, I’d never go back to that place.”
If it hadn’t been me that was driving, I would have peeked over my
shoulder, watching how Appaloosa Plains was shrinking in the background. Something was weighing heavily on my mind,
something that should be kept a secret always. If I didn’t, a lot of people would get hurt.
The thing was...
I believed that, after university...
I wasn’t going to go back to Appaloosa Plains...
At all.
Coupled with all the good memories were horrible ones, the image
of my parents’ death still haunting me at times when I was all alone, when
there was no music to console me, no arms to keep me safe. Some may say I was
running away from my problems. I wasn’t: I was simply putting the past behind
me. What was the point of clinging to something familiar when that something
only made me feel like crying inside?
That’s how I ended up rapidly wiping away the stray tears that
were running down my cheek. “It’s too quiet in here,” I croaked, fumbling
around with the controls of the radio. Gosh,
I only noticed now just what a depressed, selfish person I had been all along,
always worrying about my own problems and feelings while never taking the time
to listen to what others wanted to share.
That would change...but maybe five more minutes of self-loathing before
I enforce that little promise on myself.
She jumped out of the car,
just like a six year old that was excited to see her new dog. With the same
carefree nature, she twirled around, catching the interest of a few new students.
Oh yeah, I had a crazy best friend. “I don’t know her, nope,” smiling
sheepishly I grabbed a suitcase and started lugging it towards the door.
Hands extended into the air, Cara made an announcement. “Stand
back, bitches. The party has arrived at this dormitory.” The building had been
in dire need of what Cara defined as a “party”. The exterior was coated with a
gray paint, lacking imagination in oh
so many ways. With the two of us
staying at this dorm, we were going to put the life back into the dreary place..
“Let’s go check out our rooms,” my best friend started dancing
into the dormitory, leaving her suitcase outside. One could only hope that no
one was stupid enough to steal it.
“The rooms will probably look better than the outside, I think.”
Worst. Assumption. Ever.