Sunday 8 January 2012

Generation 1, Chapter 6: Why are all the lights off?

First off, I'd like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to DramaHQ for FIVE sets from the Sims 3 Store. Christmas came really late for me, it seems! Honestly, this is I feel so blessed.


Island Villa
Tiki Dining Set
Frontier Finds
Mid-Century Fantasy
Comtemporary Comfort Bedroom


Having a baby in the house again is an absolute delight. Being able to smell the fresh (and sometimes not so fresh!) scent coming from her skin is amazing. I missed having kids, but luckily, that's changed, seeing as we have one child at last. And possibly a few more in the future. I love cuddling this my girl, because I know I have to cherish each moment she's still a baby.

"Hi, there, baby girl... Momma loves you very much, remember that! So if you ever need me, don't be afraid or ashamed to cry," I coo to Kaylin. I know she can't understand anything I say, but it's nice to talk to her, and I feel like it will establish a relationship between us when she's older.
Alex and I are awesome teammates when it comes to getting up at night to take care of Kay-Kay (her official nickname). Surprisingly enough, he doesn't moan to get up at midnight to feed the baby. But I suspect he will start complaining, sooner or later.
"Finally, Kaylin is asle- What the f..." Alex groggily enters the room, not aware of his surroundings until he aims to sit on the bed. The part that probably scares him is the fuzzy thing sleeping there currently.

"That's what you get for powdering the Roxy's bed full of that weird stuff you got from the vet," I smirk, while absorbed in reading a book about French culture (which I picked up in France, obviously).
"Roxy. Move. Now," Alex slowly enunciates. Roxy lazily lifts her head up, looks at me, then goes back to sleep.

"Nope. I don't think that will be possible. Roxy is quite stubborn about where she sleeps."

Alex mutters some incomprehensible things, then exits the room, stomping down the stairs angrily.

"That's what happens when you get three dogs for one, small house...," I chuckle quietly, turning to the next page of the book.
It's six AM and I'm already up, having taken care of Kaylin's needs, making breakfast, and so forth. During the night, I had some good ideas for a children's book, and so I start on some chapters while the idea is still fresh in my head. I'm startled when I feel a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Morning, beautiful. What are you up to?" Alex's voice drifts over me. "Oops, you made a spelling error there." His hand moves to the keyboard to correct it, but I slap it away.

"Oy. This is a children's book. That's baby talk you're seeing there. It's supposed to be like that."

"Okay, okay, I surrender," he holds his hands up in defense. "Listen, I've got some bad news... I have to go out of town to my dad's company. There are some things I need to sign, and I have to attend one of the meetings. I'll see you again tonight, alright?"
Alex plants a quick kiss on my cheek, then hurries out of the house to his car. I had so much planned for today, now what? Do all those things on my own? I think not.
Getting three dogs for us wasn't the only thing Alex got us - only today I find out that he got a young foal for Kaylin. As Kaylin can't take care of the foal yet, I'm stuck with those responsibilities.

"Hi there, horsie...," I murmur softly to the foal, while holding my hand out to her. "Are you still nameless? How about... Sunshine? Nope, that won't do. Starlight? No... I've got it. Odyssey. It sounds peaceful, and I really hope you'll be a peaceful horse!"
Being in a house all alone, with just Kailyn and three other dogs, isn't how I imagine spending my day. Grabbing my car keys off the hook, I pick Kaylin up from her crib and bring her along with me to the car, where I drive us to the grocery store.

Kaylin, however, doesn't like the scent or the looks of the vegetables, and cries for a few minutes as I want to choose out some food. I become so desperate to quiet her down (to avoid the stares of other people), I start singing her the opening lyrics of Adele's "Someone Like You".
"That's a lovely singing voice you got there. And a even more lovely baby. What's her name?" a stranger asks, who happens to be sitting close by on a bench. Goodness, I hope I didn't bother him.

"Her name is Kaylin... She's very precious to me, when she isn't crying like this, of course!"

"Wow. She has a beautiful name, just like her mother has."

I whip my head to to look at the stranger, because I have no idea what nonsense he is spouting. Only, he isn't really a stranger.
It's Dwayne.

My previous boyfriend. The guy I thought I would marry. The guy that brought me so much joy, but also a lot of heartache. The guy who's mother almost killed me, and the guy who's entire family consists of vampires.
Shock. Horror. Shame. Pain. Joy. Regret. More shock and horror. And then more pain.

So many emotions conflict inside me, it feels as if I'm going to faint. But I focus on one, and pour more power into it. Anger. Anger because he was back in town, and probably going to ruin the life I have. He thought I would wait for him, but he expected to much from me - I wasn't going to love a ghost for the rest of my life. And I still stand by that principle.
And so I take the easy way out - I hightail the hell out of there, and rush off with Kaylin towards another shop.

"Destiny! WAIT! Don't run away! Hey, come back here!" Dwayne calls, and I hear his feet move across the pavement - he's running towards me.
"Dessie... I haven't seen you for so long. I've missed you so much, counting the days in fact. How's your baby challenge doing? Sorry, I haven't checked the news about it. Is this your last baby?"

As Dwayne is talking, I really want to lift my hand up and slap him across the face. It shows you how arrogant he is, wanting to waltz right back into my life.
"Crap. Where are my manners. Come here, I haven't hugged you in so long...," Dwayne moves closer to me, aiming for an embrace, but I back away.

"Dwayne, NO. You don't have the right to just act as if nothing bad happened between us."

"I don't understand...," a frown forms between his eyebrows.
"Dwayne... I don't know how to break this to you..."
I lift up my hand, showing him the ring.

"I'm married."
"...What?" he asks, the word filled with so many implications.

"I'm married. Happily married in fact. I completed my baby challenge quite a while ago. Kaylin is the first child I have with my husband. And I plan on having more kids with him. So do you understand the fact that you can't just come into my life with the silly notion that we'll get back together? The entire world doesn't revolve around YOU, Dwayne. Get that into your head, once and for all!"

And with that said, I spin on my heels and quickly run back to the car, with Kaylin tucked away safely in my arms.
My heart races the entire time I drive back to the house. I quietly place a sleeping Kaylin back into her crib, and go back downstairs to start on lunch. The doorbell ringing interrupts me.

And who stands in front of the door? That's right. None other than Dwayne himself.

"Go away, Dwayne. Please," I beg him.

"No, Dessie... We have to talk. I said I would come back. Why did you move on? Why didn't you wait for me?"

I don't get to explain anything to him, as Roxy growls behind him.
"Now, don't be a mean doggie... I just have to talk to your owner for a few minutes? Could you grant me that wish?" I hear Dwayne say from outside.

It seems he doesn't know that Roxy is my dog, the dog that always follows my commands and knows when I feel sad or threatened. Right now, I feel frightened, and Roxy seems to pick up on it, sensing it has something to do with the strange visitor.
More growls erupt from between Roxy's jaws, and Dwayne's calm complexion slips, his face showing complete and utter terror.

"Uh, nice doggie..."
In the next split-second, I see Dwayne running across the yard, away from the house and from Roxy.

Gosh, how I love that dog. I have to thank Alex for getting us these three dogs.
Just after 5 PM, Alex finally returns home after all his business meetings, while I teach the dogs some tricks in the living room.

"I... Am so exhausted right now. I don't think I want to own that company, because of all the hard work that goes into it," Alex mutters as he comes into the house.

"I believe you," I smile in his direction. "It must be hard. I hard had a busy day, but I definitely know that it wasn't as hectic as yours."
As he sets down his suitcase in the dining room, I see him fiddle around in a plastic bag, and comes back with his hand behind his back.

"Enough of the negativity - I brought you a gift."

"Hmm... I wonder what it is," I muse, pretending not to see the red color peeking out behind his back.
"I won't keep you guessing. I brought you... A bunch of roses."

Alex whips out the red bouquet from behind his back, and offers it to me.

"ALEX! These are beautiful... I see you've noticed that my favorite color is red now," I laugh.

"Okay... I didn't really notice," Alex coughs a littler bit. "But red compliments you beautifully, so, uh, that's why I got it for you."
"Aww. Come here, you romantically-awkward man!" I pull Alex in for a embrace. "It's been a while since someone gave me any kind of flowers. Thank you for your thoughtfulness," I whisper to him. "You make me feel so much better about myself."

"You sound...down. Is everything alright? Did something happen today?"

"Nothing I can't handle," I sigh.
The next evening, the time that I have been dreading finally arrives - Kaylin's birthday. I don't know how to handle the fact that she's growing up so quickly.

"Alex, this is a baby's birthday, not an adult's party. No need for that horn thing. It could disturb Kaylin, you know!" I hush Alex, who is in a party mood.

"Whoops, sorry," he apologizes.
Kaylin is, well, absolutely gorgeous. No point in being modest about it. She received almost all her genetics from her father, but Alex is arguing that she seems to have my nose, and my nature (seeing as she is very calm and gentle with him).
After Kaylin's birthday, Alex and I go to bed, and he almost immediately falls asleep, exhausted from his day. I, on the other hand, can't fall asleep at all. I roll around the entire night, wondering why sleep eludes me so.
Sometime in the night, I do fall asleep - only to be awakened shortly afterwards by Kaylin's cries, but also by a hammering sound coming from down stairs. Alex is no where to be seen, and his side of the bed is neatly made up. Swallowing my nervous-ness, I climb out from under the covers and proceed to the door.
Kaylin abruptly stops crying as I start walking towards her room, so I go downstairs to investigate the noise. I flick the light switch. No reaction. I later on pummel it with my fists, but still, nothing happens. No lights go on.

"Why are all the lights off...?" I mutter, trying to cover up the fear that is shaking across my entire body.
My heart is in overdrive, because when I peek around the corner, I see Dwayne at the door, with a really pissed expression on his face.

"You bitch... You'll be sorry for not waiting for me. For dropping me like this. I swear, I'll kill you all, your entire family!"
His words are like glass grinding against a blackboard - the sound is piercing, and pierces through me with strength. His entire demeanor is cold as ice, with absolute no warmth, no comfort. This is a completely different man than the one I had previously loved.

This is all my fault... And now my entire family is going to suffer by his hands because of me.


So, that is it for this chapter. Thank you for reading!

Note that I'm not certain when I'll be able to post the next chapter, as school will be starting soon, but also because I've become re-addicted to Pokémon games (it sounds childish, but I honestly can't care, because I love it no matter what).

Have a great day!



  1. Oh no!
    Poor Destiny has too suffer like this,Dywane is a nasty piece of work!
    Kaiylin is so cute (I already saw her on the facebook page).
    Gosh what a dramatic Chapter!
    Great as always Dessie

  2. :O!!!!

    Dwayne, you horrible being! *Liana grabs hold of closest thing... it's a umbrella* *Finds Dwayne and beats him until he's unconscious*

    *Leave's note on his forhead* it says: Leave Dessie and her family ALONE, you coward, want someone to fight, come find ME!

    Kaylin OH MY! She's adorable, mostly alex but she will look like you a bit when she's older, I reckon.

    Awe, Roxy, such a great dog, by your side, your protector, your FRIEND. (Don't forget me and the blue haired freak though) ;)

    Great chapter, can't wait to read more. :D!


  3. Oh yeah where did you get Detsiny's hair in the first pic?

  4. @ENTELLIGENT: It's from Peggyzone. Thank you for your comment!

    Liana, LOL!!! I'm suffocating right now, because I'm laughing so hard because of your comment. xD

    I could never forget you and the blue haired freak (yes, that's you Calista)! I think Destiny will definitely be able to count on you as her guardians. :)

  5. Destiny you do know you are in my Latest chapter of my legacy!

  6. Holy....
    Dwayne is craaaazzzzyyyy. Seriously, that's really creepy. O.o I never imagined him like THAT before. I assumed he would be a heartbroken little boy, but nope.
    I think I'm going to need a shotgun for Dwayne...
    The part where Roxy chased him away was fantastic. The look of fer on his face was just priceless.

  7. No you bas-....sorry, I don't cuss. But you get what I'm trying to say, don't you? ;) Anywho, I don't like him AT ALL. YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER, YOU HEAR ME?? I hope you didn't download the gun thing that other sim people have...I would be sad if you did because well, that means your going to use it :(

    Anyway, Dwayne is a weirdo and belongs in some kind of mental hospital. What if she had waited for him? Maybe he wouldn't be so mentally confused and angry, but still...Alex is cute :) and awkward (that always makes them more cute) :)

    I hope they'll be okay...Stupid, heartless Dwayned, go live your own life, she's moved on!! Btw, do you have Dwayne up for download? Cause if he hurts them, I'll put him in my game and kill him :) I sound like a nice person, don't I? not...

  8. Wow, there is so much to say about this post.
    First off, Kaylin is just...too adorable. I think she may be perfect and I am still holding out hopes for a Soren-Kaylin thing...^_^
    Anyways! Kaylin is adorable, Alex is such a man I want to cry, and Destiny is still Destiny...cute and charming. Now Dwayne on the other hand...really? Seriously Dwayne, you little jerk? Why do you need to come back when everything is seemingly perfect and ruin everything? I used to like you, but now you're just a freak show. But then again, I can't completely take him out of the equation. I guess I can start to understand why he's being such a jerk. If I were him I would be angry too, but killing? Destiny you better grabs your husband and your child and book it out of town NOW. Run and don't stop until you reach the trains station! Hop on the first train you see and go as far as you can. Just get. Away. From. Dwayne. NOW. >_<
    Good luck, my dear. GOOD. LUCK.

  9. Hey... Soren and Kaylin?!?!?!?! I WANT KAYLIN TOO! Just kidding... but seriously, she's a beauty! I love how she's totally her daddy's girl but that she has her mother's amazingly perfect nose.

    I was so surprised to see Dwayne. Not to mention, the way he acted. I had no idea he'd be coming back... and now I'm scared. I never saw him as the "I want your family dead" kind of guy. O.o

    Lol, but don't worry Des, the red-haired freak and I will protect you. I'd be honored to be your guardian. ^.^

    I laughed at Dwayne's scared face. He totally deserved it! Good thing Alex has a thing for dogs!

    ~Calista Smith <3
