Sunday 15 January 2012

Generation 1, Chapter 7: Choices

"AHHH!" I yell out, bolting upright in my bed, and jumping out of bed with a clumsy might. It had all been a dream. Just a dream. Or to be exact, a horrible nightmare. There was no Dwayne coming after me, no crazy guy to kill my family... So I'm safe. But how is it that I don't feel secure?
Alex is still happily asleep, not even in the slightest disturbed by my "small" outburst. I take the opportunity to run downstairs to check that every door is locked, and that some creep is not stalking out in front of it. When I get back upstairs, Alex seems to be more aware that there is no one lying next to him.

"Wh-wha... Honey? Whereareyou?" Alex's words sound as if they flow into one word.

"I'm right here. I just had a bad dream, that's all," I soothe him.

"Wait," he stops me from talking further. "I heard you, during the night. You were talking in your sleep, and I thought it was a common thing... But now, some of the stuff makes sense."

"You're not coherent yet, nothing makes sense to you."
Like a practiced gymnast, Alex propels himself off of the bed, and comes to stand right behind me, taking me in his arms.

"I heard you say a lot of things, Des, and they worry me. You kept mumbling 'Don't kill my family...'. That sounds serious. Come on, Des, you can talk to me. I said it in my wedding vows, that I will be there to listen to you."

I contemplate what he said for a minute, before releasing a sigh. "Fine, you win."
I make sure that Alex has a cup of coffee in his hand before I start talking, so he could be energized and actually understand what I'm going to say.

"I had a dream, a nightmare, where my previous boyfriend, Dwayne, came to our house and slammed at the front door, saying that he was going to kill my entire family... That's pretty much it."

"You're hiding something from me," Alex says matter-of-factly. "And I want to know what it is."

I sigh yet again. He reads me so well, I can't hide anything from him.
"You're right. I was hiding something from you." I pause to take a deep breath, before letting out the truth. "When you were out today, attending a meeting or whatnot, I took Kaylin out to the grocery store. And while I was there, well.. Dwayne was there. I ran, but he followed. He was all lovey-dovey with me, wanting to get back together with me. I told him I was married... And I don't think he accepted that fact."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, he followed my car back to our house, and knocked on the door, being all apologetic. Luckily, Roxy chased him away."

"And do you want to get back together with him? Is that why you're so creeped out?"

WHAT?! I almost shout. How can he expect that of me? "Hell NO, Alex. Yes, I did have very strong feelings for Dwayne, and yes, I did once think of marrying him... But seriously. That's in the past. What his mother almost did to me, made me lose all love I had for him."

And with that said, Alex seems to be appeased.
After a long, hot shower to help me relax again, and getting dressed with the speed of light, I hunt down Kaylin who is playing with some of her toys, picking her up into my arms.

"Hi there, my little angel! Did you sleep well? Hopefully I didn't disturb you too much," I apologize to her, distracting her by tickling her tummy.

Kaylin couldn't get speak, but she can at least giggle with mirth. The sounds she makes while laughing causes me to laugh alongside her.
Looking at her little face, I just want to cry. By my actions, she was almost in danger. I don't know whether or not Dwayne's is crazy, but that uncertainty will always haunt me.

"Mommy promises to not put in that kind of danger again... That was a very silly mistake of mine."
It's still super early, and the sun hasn't even fully appeared, but I commandeer everyone to go outside and start on their skills. I try Kaylin to give her first few steps, while Alex is teaching his dog, Ozzie, how to sit.
"Come on, Kaylin... I'm only going to help you stand, but from there, you're on your own..."
I back away from her and wait in angst to see what she will do... And sure enough, Kaylin starts to lift her one foot forward. Then the other one. With increased speed and confidence, she makes it all the way to my arms.
"YOU DID IT, Kaylin! You gave your first few steps... You make me so proud," I sniffle. "Alex, you should've seen it! Kaylin just gave her first step."

"That's great, honey," Alex coughs. "But I'm kinda busy right now..."

I notice what Alex meant - currently, he's entangled with Ozzie in a brawl, as the dog won't let go of his shirt.
Looking at Alex and the dogs, it dawns on me that Odyssey is no where to be seen. As I cast my eyes over the environment, my attention is drawn to some kind of animal running in the distance... Only it's not some random kind of animal, but rather a horse, and also happens to be our horse.
As Odyssey rides back to our house later on, she seems to be a lot...bigger.

"Aw, girl, did you have your birthday? You should have stayed! We would have loved to cheer you on," I coo to Odyssey as I stroke her head. "Oh, Kaylin. Meet Odyssey. She is technically yours, as Daddy bought her for you. And one day, when you're older, you will hopefully ride this beautiful horse."

"Maybe you should give it a try? Ride Odyssey for a bit, just to make sure she's safe to ride and all," Alex suggests from afar.
"You sure that's a good idea?" I look at Alex with frightened eyes, but also with frustration: WHY did he have to suggest that? He only wanted to laugh at me looking silly.

To prove that I can ride a horse, I start to lift my foot up and try to worm it into the position where my feet has to be. But with the heels I am wearing, it isn't possible. 
When I finally manage to get onto the horse, I'm terrified. Everyone looks so high from where I'm sitting, and I forgot to mention to Alex that I have a fear of heights.

"Alex," I whisper with urgency. "Get me off of here. NOW!"

"Aw, come on, you just on the horse. Sit there for a minute or two, and relax, or you'll frighten the horse as well."
Alex scoops up Kaylin into her arms, and has the gall to place her onto the horse.

"What are you, nuts?! Get her down from here!"

"Des, look how happy she looks with you and Odyssey. She's a toddler, she wants to experience fun things. And this is a very funny situation, I must say!"
"Did I ever tell you? I hate you," I eye Alex shrewdly.

"Oh, that's alright. I still love you," he laughs and walks away.

As I sit uncomfortably on Odyssey, with Kaylin on my lap, Roxy comes closer to the horse and tries to sniff her.

"WHOA, girl, whoa!" I holler to Odyssey, who is inches away from running crazy. It seems she doesn't like Roxy that much.
There was something important that had to be done today, and that was to visit the City Hall... They have a lot of brochures which show available houses in Sunset valley. Why would I be looking for a new house, you may ask? Well, after that very creepy dream I had, and the house being to small for all the animals and kids, Alex and I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to shift to a new house, perhaps even a new town, thought I doubt that would happen.

After a few hours of searching, we find at least four candidates that look perfect for our family. 
"Would you like a ice-cream before we go home? I know I'm dying to have one. How about Kaylin? I'm sure she'd love to eat some of this heavenly dessert."

"You sound worse than a woman who is freaking out about chocolates," I roll my eyes. "But no thanks, I don't think my constitution would be able to handle anything cold right now. Maybe later."

"Alright," Alex shrugs, and stops the car near a ice-cream truck, quickly climbing out to order himself a cone. "Your loss."
My husband devours his dessert in a matter of minutes, eating like a real hungry animal. His beard ends up full of pink ice-cream and jelly tots.

"Ya sure you don't want any of this? 'Cause seriously, it's delicious."

"Nope, I'm fine," I say again. "I'm a bit nauseous, so I really don't want to eat."

Alex doesn't know, but the reason I'm nauseous is... Well, I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant again.


WHOOO! Finally, I have time to post this. School just started again, and it's gonna be tough, as the subjects I chose for school will have LOADS of homework, which means hardly any time for Sims.  Bleh.

I know, I know, I must have disappointed many people who saw the last post's ending... But anyways. If you go look at the ending of the last chapter, you'll notice a slight blur around the edges of the photos. 

Also, a very big apology to Amber Lights, who built the Webber's current house. I honestly love the house A LOT, but the family is getting way too big... After all the kids move out, I'll move Des and Alex right back in there.

(Yeah, and sorry the post is so short. Absolutely NO TIME)



  1. Dessie I have been waiting for this post !
    I am so happy that it was just a dream for a minuet there I thought they were gonna get all killed!

    Anyway great as usual Dessie and I can''t wait to see the New house soon!!

  2. Awesome post! Short, but important. :)

    I was a bit surprised to find that Dwayne shouting was just a dream. I had noticed the blurry edges at the end of the last post, and I was going to comment on it, but I figured you were just having a good ol' time editing pictures hhaa. Or I thought that the blurriness had represented her grogginess of being half awake or something. I didn't really think into it too much, but I guess I should have!
    It's actually quite nice to know that Dwayne is not aiming to brutally murder Destiny and her family, but I really am not thinking that this is the last we'll see of Dwayne. I think he loves her far too much to just give up. I feel like maybe he will come back and try to win her over, but if I know Destiny's character at all, I think she will definitely stay with Alex (the hottest man alive, just saying).

    So now with Dwayne out of the picture for this post, all is well again (for now, I presume)! I love seeing Kaylin, the pictures with her brought such a smile to my face. Her first steps were adorable and something that any challenge mother has learned to appreciate. Destiny riding Odyssey was adorable, and it really reminded me of when Amber rode Kamen for the first time. I guess it's just not a challenge mother's forte, huh?

    And finally, THE END. I can't believe she is pregnant again already! You move so fast!
    I personally know that I am taking Amber and James's family a tad bit slower, which is good, because now our story lines can get even more distinct from one another. xD I'm still holding my breath for a Soren-Kaylin playdate sometime soon, so keep me up to date with that...I can upload Soren or vice versa if you want?

    But anyway, great job, and it was awesome to wake up to this. Just as I was starting to miss your writing you came back, so I am a happy camper. :) And also, before I forget...the new house. I left a message on your facebook wall about me possibly building a new one for you, but whatever works is fine. I just figured I would chuck that option out in the open.

    So, yeah! Great job! Can't wait for more!

    1. Oh, I hardly ever edit pictures lately, so if you ever see a edited photo on here, you can expect I'm planning something. But the blurry-grogginess idea is a good one... I'll keep that in mind, for any future stories of mine.

      You're definitely good at thinking ahead! I'm not sure whether to bring him (Dwayne) back anytime soon, but seeing as they (Des and Dwayne) have unfinished business, I think I will. And yes, Alex is just...too hot to give up. And he makes cute babies!

      Nope, horse riding definitely isn't for us... Funny, seeing as I really want to go horse riding IRL!

      No no more twin-ship for us two? Sad, but good at the same time. It's best if our stories have some distance between them. And I'm DEFINITELY a shipper of Soren-Kaylin couple(what would an appropriate couple name be? O.o). Let's both upload the kiddies, so we can BOTH have them in our games. <3

      I will be considering your house-option, till I finally manage to re-decorate a house for the Webber's. But with school as it is, I might end up asking you!

      Thank youuuuu for your awesome comment! :D

  3. Oh phew! It was just a dream. Thank god...

    I didn't notice the blurry pictures, but now I'll go see if I do :) because I'll probably notice them this time. Omg I was laughing when Destiny tried to get on the horse! :) hehehe I used to ride horses and let me tell you, heels are NOT good, not good at all :)

    Kaylin is SO cute, and when you said "for us and the kids" I was thinking about wether that was a typo, but then I thought, nah, she's gunna have kiddies!! :D and I was right :) Alex and Destiny have such cute kids, I'm sure their other kids will be SO cute ^.^

    Also, I was thinking...when we get to Generation 2, won't it be hard to find a wife/husband? Cause almost everyone is related to Destiny in some way, I mean, c'mon, at least 100 of them are ;)

    OH, but they're moving...ohhh that makes sense...nevermind then ^.^

    Great chapter!! ;)

    1. I think that if I tried to ride a horse, it would end up being like that, so I enjoyed that tidbit, and glad that you did too!

      Yup, that was intentional... But I do make a lot of typos often, so please point them out to me. Just a few minutes ago I fixed one!

      The sad part is, no one in Destiny's town is related to her, other than Kaylin. I lost most of the data of the baby challenge, because of a error my game had.

      I'm not sure if they're moving towns (it would be awesome if they did, 'cause that leaves room for exploration), but yes, they're definitely moving!

      Thanks for your comment, Isabella. :)

  4. *PHEW* Glad it was just a dream, had my umbrella on hand ready to attack ^_^

    Kaylin took her first steps! Aww, she's adorable!

    Odyssey is a big horse now, but none the less a lovely horse, proud that you could get on her/him and Kaylin got her first experience on her horsey, sure she'll love him/her.

    I wonder what your new house will look like and it'll be bigger because of your GROWING FAMILY :D!

    (I want to be Aunt Liana *hint hint* ;))

    Your Red-Haired Freak and Good Friend, Liana<33

    1. LOL, I was actually looking forward to you whacking someone over the head with an umbrella!

      Yes, she definitely is. I love that girl, but I'm not sure if she'll be my future favorite sim... Destiny will always have that special place in my heart.

      OH! I forgot to tell everyone; Odyssey is a girl. Just had to clarify that. :D

      Yup, the house will be bigger for the family, because they're going to need it! I think a 60 X 60 lot is the only one that will be big enough. O.o

      THANK YOU for your comment!

  5. Hey! I wanna be Aunt Calista!!!!!! *pushes red-haired freak out of the way*

    *quickly apologizes*

    I think I know what the new house is going to look like.... :)

    I was so relieved when that thing with Dwayne was just a dream. They're safe again but I agree with the others, Destiny's decision to move is probably a good one. Eeee, I can't wait to see the new arrivals!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~Calista Smith

    1. *Shoves Calista back!* I say we both be Aunt's as we are both her friends.. Agreed Callie :(? *Gives friendly sim hug to reassure her* :p

      Sorry Dessie had to reply to her ;)

    2. I totally agree! Good compromise. ^_^

      *returns friendly sim hug*


    3. You two... You're both so crazy, and I love you for that. xD

      You can think ALL you like. ^_^ I might be changing from the house I showed you (but I'm still in love with it, so, I don't think it will).


  6. Oh my! Pregnant again? Very interesting story you have going here...can't wait to read more!

    1. Yup yup! I always have to add something to keep the story rolling. ;) Thanks for commenting!
