Thursday 6 September 2012

Opinions needed!

Alrighty, this is gonna be a simple question, so all you need to do is comment with a "yes" or "no", so I can get an idea of what path to follow.

So... Supernatural is going to be released tomorrow (where I am), and it made me ponder on a few things... Would you, the readers, be against or for incorporating supernatural elements into the story? (This will not be applied to the current gen >.>)

I have had a battle in the past to keep the story as realistic as possible, but now, I'm leaving it up to anyone that takes the time to read this.


  1. I think it would be cool to incorporate the Supernatural! :) Awesome job btw with the generations.

  2. I would LOVE supernatural. Sadly, I'm still waiting for it to arrive cause I per-ordered it, which I never do.

    But I can also see the story be amazing without it.

    I'm kinda arguing both sides, so...perhaps yes, because you already put aliens in with Amelia.


    1. Well, the aliens were just part of a dream, and not the sims' actual lives. But if I would be incorporating the supernatural, it would turn their worlds upside down. ;)

    2. Please do it then!!!!!! 8 P


  3. Oooh! Incorporate supes for sure! I know you'll be able to put an awesome spin on it!

  4. Yes. Incorporate it in your story :)

  5. I am totally FOR it!!! It'll really add a new twist to your legacy!!! :D Plus, I enjoy seeing what you come up with for your story and supernaturals will definitely make it interesting!

  6. No... no offense. I am not much a fan of fantasy Dx

  7. I think you should go kinda with what you did with Lia's gen. while she was dream, where you had slightly unrealistic circumstances (supernaturals), but kept a realistic perspective. (Btw, I know that wasn't real. It's just an example)

    Also note that if you use supernaturals, say in generation 5, that we don't expect to use them in every other generation. I mean, you can if you want. The thing is, you write super awesome stories without any imput from us, so what I'm trying to say is, you should write whatever you feel is best, and that comes naturally to you

    So that was my rather long explanation to get to two seperate-but-not-really-that-long point. Sorry about that.


  8. I would love to see how you incorporate supernatural in your story. You've done so well with Aliens in generation 3. :)
