Monday 4 June 2012


Okay, so maaaaaaaybe it's not gonna be a full blown hiatus where there won't be any posts for months. Instead, posts will just take quite a while to be released - let's call it a delay. The reason is, well, my exams have just started (actually, it started last week and Friday), and it's gonna be hard juggling studying and playing sims. I do have a couple of days where I'm not writing anything, like this Wednesday (but I have to study for Accounting, so...), where I'll try to work on a post, but I can't promise anything. This delay will go on till the 20th of June I think, when I write my last subject (HALLELUJAH!).

In the meantime, when I do have some extra time, but not enough to make a post, I've been thinking of doing character bios, so new readers can more easily understand the background of each character and their history. The idea is still a work-in-progress, but I think I can make it work.

Ciao for now.



  1. Aww I'm going to miss the Rose's for a while but I am excited too see the character Bio!

  2. Phew, I'm happy that it's not a "full blown hiatus." I was a bit worried there. This is one of my favorite blogs and I wouldn't want to not be able to read it. Actually, it's totally fine if you took a break because school is much more important.

    Can't wait for the 20th. :)

    Oh, and I also can't wait to see those character bios. I've seen some pretty cool ones on this other person's blog, perhaps you could get some ideas from that.

    ~Calista Smith
