Saturday 2 June 2012

Generation 2, Chapter 14: A night to remember

The hospital stank of the cleaning supplies used to keep the place "hygienically clean". It didn't feel clean at all. Everywhere, on the floors, the walls, you name it, there were scuff marks and boot footprints. If I had a choice in the whole situation, I wouldn't even have been there. But I was, against my will.

She lay in front of us, quiet as a mouse, staring at the ceiling. I would have wondered what went on in that crazy head of hers, but I didn't really want to sicken myself any further.

"Someone explain to me why we're still here?" Aaron whispered, his eyes darting from Jenna to us, then yet again to Jenna. He was anxious, and he didn't want to be there either - that much was obvious.

"We're here because I want to figure out just how insane she really is, and how news about her being alive wasn't public," Janelle replied tersely, clicking the heel of her shoe against the floor in irritation.
"News didn't spread because I didn't want it to," the monotone answer came from the pale body strewn across the bed. Slowly, so slow that her joints and bones cracked audibly, she came upright. Yet, she still avoided our eyes, glaring at her boots. "Why would I have wanted anyone to know, with what I had planned for Charlie? It was best I stay unnoticed. It was easy, really. I killed my foster parents with a fork to the throat as soon as I was 18, and started looking for Charles. It was so easy to find him, really."
"She KILLED her parents, and that with silverware?! Janelle, please, let's get the hell outta here right now!" for once, Aaron's request was taken seriously, as Janelle's feet were slowly moving backwards towards the door.

"You're right," she squeaked, unable to keep her eyes off of Jenna. "This was a bad idea."

"Send Charles my regards, and tell him we can still be together one day!" the psycho of a lady called after us as soon as we left the room and started running for the exit. I didn't stop running until I was safely at the car. I hoped she would be convicted of her crimes, and kept in a cell to rot away for the rest of her life. She ruined a perfect person's life, all for an obsession.
Charlie's court hearing went much faster than expected. Instead of waiting months for a verdict, it all happened within a week's time.

All of us had been waiting outside city hall. Bridget was calm and collected like she always was, Janelle was praying out loud, while Aaron and I... We stood together. Somehow, we both knew that things would work out in some way or another. And it did.

"WOOHOO! YES! LIFE IS GOOD!" Charlie came to stand at the edge of the stairs, gave us one look and yelled at the top of his lungs.
"Does that mean...? They're letting you go?" I asked, voice shaking. I was afraid to make myself hope, but I knew by now that I would. Keeping false hope was my Kryptonite.

"Yup. I'm a FREE man, Kaylin. Well, if you would consider being 'free' as still having to report to a parole officer, and do some community service, while also going to a shrink to make sure my mental health is not declining... But other than that, my sister has mainly been blamed, and she's receiving the sentence. It's not much, but it'll keep her off of the streets for quite a while."
"Charlie...," Janelle almost sobbed. I looked over to see that tears were spilling over her eyelids. "I'm so happy for you!"

With shaky and unsure steps, Janelle raced up the stairs towards Charlie, stumbling twice, but not giving up until she was right in front of him. All of this seemed very strange.
Until the kiss. Everything became clear. Somewhere along the line, Janelle must have visited Charlie in jail and they somehow connected. Why else would she suddenly make out with him like that?
"Can someone please tell me what the hell I just saw happening?" Bridget hissed at us, unable to keep her bawling eyes off of them.

"They're in love," Aaron croaked before I could answer. I felt his arm around be tighten, and his hand fidgeting around with locks of my hair. Gently, he tucked a loose strand back behind my ear. "Just like we are," he smiled down at me.

For a moment, Bridget stood dumbstruck, before changing her stance and faking gargling noises. "Eugh. Romance. It's pathetic."

I laughed. "Wait till you're in love one day!"

"Here's a better suggestion," she countered. "How about we all go out tonight and celebrate Charlie's victory? I have a show scheduled, and you're all invited. How about that?"

"Sounds great!" I chirped, whipping out my phone to set a reminder. "I'll, um, tell Janelle about it as soon as they stop...uh...smooching."
As soon as Janelle stepped back from Charlie, I gripped her wrist and yanked her all the way to the car. Of course put up a fight, but I fought back harder, and managed to actually get her inside my house. "You can explain to me what happened out there later, but for now, we need to get ready for Bridget's show tonight."

"Tonight?" her voice echoed in the room. "So soon... Why are they doing it so soon?!" Janelle turned into a small child, waving around her arms frantically and throwing tantrums where ever she went.

"Huh? Okay, you're not making sense, as always," I frowned, "but I'm gonna ignore that. Go get your dress that I know you have in the house, and I'll get ready in here."

A half an hour later, Janelle skipped up the stairs, gliding gracefully into my room. It seems she lost her childish ways.

"What... The... FUZZ?! Aaron bought you a dress, and you're not wearing it?" were her first words when she entered the room. I was lazy, I'll admit. All I threw on was a pair of jeans and an elegant top, accompanied by a heart necklace that Aaron gave me.

"For once in my life I don't wanna go over the top to look fancy. I want to wear what's comfortable... And this fits pretty snugly," gesturing to the mirror, I noticed a few creases on the top. Too late to start ironing things now. With one flat hand, I made an effort even it out. It didn't make much of a difference, but I honestly didn't care.
"Wait a minute... That's not how I know you. You're Kaylin Webber, fashionista extraordinaire. You're a singer, and therefore you dress only in the best clothes. What happened all of a sudden?" Janelle pestered me with questions. I knew she wouldn't give up on them, so I gave up, slouching downstairs, away from her. She still followed, hot on my heels.

"...And it's definitely not like you to avoid my questions. Please, Kaylin, for the love of God, tell me what's wrong."

"Fine," I sighed, clacking my tongue against my palate in frustration. "Go sit there on the couch and I'll tell you what I think is wrong with me."
Janelle obeyed my request, sinking down onto the couch while watching me with worry.

"A week or two ago, Aaron made some food, which tasted...horrible, to say the least. I got sick from eating it, but at least it wasn't full blown food poisoning. I thought it would pass,'s been coming back. Janelle, the thing I'm getting at is... I think I'm pregnant. It all adds up."

"My gosh!" she smiled. "That's incredible news! Then why are you being such a depressed lunatic?"

"The problem is...," I sighed, "I'm not ready to have kids. I mean, Aaron and I aren't even married yet. That's one thing I never wanted - having kids while not in a solid, committed relationship with someone."

"Well, maybe all of that will be rectified tonight," Janelle shrugged, smiling mysteriously. "Come on, you can catch a ride with me."
Sunset approached with surprising haste, only to be covered up by the clouds moving in up ahead. It would be raining soon. The perfect night to be inside a building and clubbing till the night ended. Our roles were reversed as we entered Los Suenos; Janelle had be by the wrist, propelling forward till I was standing right in front of Aaron.

"Do you have it?" Janelle whispered in hushed tones. I hated how she pretended like I wasn't there, while all the time, I could hear her perfectly! So much for cloak and dagger. She would fail her first day of being a Investigator.

His only answer came in the form of a nod, and she happily skipped off to a table to join Charlie.

"Do you have what?" I questioned, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Oh, nothing," he shrugged nonchalantly, "just the keys to Charlie's old apartment. He wants to start living there again. The prison guards released his personal effects, thankfully, and so I brought it along."
"Enough about Charlie..." Aaron bowed his head towards me, wiggling his eyebrows at me playfully. "I want this to be a night to remember, so let's get things started."

"Uh, alright...," I chuckled nervously. I couldn't see how a performance by Bridget would be so important and memorable. Why was he making such a fuss about it all? Why was everyone making such a fuss about it all?

"Where's Bridget?" the question was answered as it left my lips. She was there, casually relaxing at a table behind us. She had her performing attire on, but she didn't look like she was ready to go on and start making coins appear from behind people's ears.

"Don't you worry 'bout Bridget now, just go and take a seat at that table," Aaron steered me towards the small, round table, ignoring my protests and questions. Some people might call it romantic, but I call it pure bossing people around.
The first day Aaron and I met for the first time was still clear in my mind, and I often thought back to it when I needed a good chuckle. I loved thinking of it, but I didn't want to experience it again. That's exactly what was happening.

To my surprise, Aaron was the one to entertain us tonight. With a smile that showed only confidence, his fingers gripped the microphone, and the notes were belted out.

"My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note
Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo"
As the rapping part of the song approaches, I almost poked my fingers into my ears, afraid that Aaron's voice might injure my hearing. Rapping was never his forte. Somehow, I'm spared. Aaron only sings along with the tune, "oohing" and "aahing" until that part of the songs reaches a end.

It was just like the first day we had met.

Aaron did the exact same sounds, while the other guy made a fool of himself by rapping. I couldn't help but laugh. Where I had clearly thought that Aaron would never have me, here he had me, doing his will by listening to his mirror-shattering voice.

At last, the chorus hit again, and spared Aaron from any more of those awful sounds. But the chorus never started again. Instead, it turned into a different song. 

It was a mixture of different love songs of the 21st century. Some sounded familiar, some I didn't even recognize at all. He seemed to be holding the best song for last. Every now and then, I shot Janelle a glance of pure resentment. She knew about this. They all knew. In fact, they must have been planning it all. I still didn't know why. All of this trouble just to embarrass me?

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful"

One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" was his final song. With a broad grin, Aaron looked over at me, aiming all the words at me. All over my skin, goosebumps popped up. I couldn't deny it any more - Aaron was such a romantic!

But there's always that one person that ruins a perfect moment. 

"CLOSING TIME! Everyone out, or I'll help them out with the tip of my boot!" the club manager shouted over the music.

In the oncoming chaos, someone gripped my hand, plucking me off towards the entrance. 

"It's not over, Aaron! ASK HER, DAMMIT!" the voice rose over that of that crowd storming out. Janelle. It had to be her. She always had a way of being loud.

"I will, don't worry!" the person leading me away answered. I let out a sigh of relief. I had been wondering if some stranger was kidnapping me and about to stuff me away in his blacked-out van.
One by one, club attendants started streaming away in their cars, probably on their way home to pass out on the couch. Janelle and Charlie waved goodbye, and hitched a ride from Bridget. It was only Aaron and I that were left on the sidewalk, all alone in the cold.

"Wait just one second... I have, uh, something that still needs attending to before we go home," Aaron cleared his throat, holding up his two fingers. His hand disappeared to his back pocket, fumbling around in it till he laid his fingers on what he was searching for.

"Aaron, can't you search for it at home if it's in your pocket? It's getting pretty cold... What are you searching for anyways?"
"This." In one fluid movement, Aaron sank to one knee, and brought up a small, black box covered in velvet material. My subconscious knew was it meant, but I main consciousness didn't want to admit what I was seeing.
"Aaron... Is that... Is that... Is THAT a box with a ring in it?" I whispered in hushed tones, afraid that if I spoke too loudly, everything around me would disappear, and I would wake up from the dream I was probably living.
"Well, uh... See for yourself!" Aaron smiled brightly, opening the clip at the front to reveal the diamond ring tucked away in the box. The diamond literally shined as light strands from the light overhead fell on it.
"AARON!" I yelped out in surprise as I took a closer look. "It's so shiny... And so beautiful... And so freaking BIG! How much did money did you waste on this? Honestly, you didn't have to go through all of this trouble!"

"No amount of money, or trinkets, shows how much I love and care for you, Kay-Kay."

"But still... You're broke, and yet you still buy this? You have to ta-"

"KAYLIN! Please, calm down and answer the question."

"What question was that again...?"

Aaron threw back his head and laughed for a moment. When he lowered his head, I noticed sweat beads streaming down from his forehead. "I guess I never did ask it properly. I'm asking you, Kaylin Mackenzie Webber, to marry me, Aaron Sullivan Glover."

"Oh...," I mouthed, my eyes darting from the ring, to Aaron. Back and forth it went for at least ten seconds. I knew this was agonizing Aaron, but I couldn't help it. I had to make sure. Am I ready? Is he the one? The answers were simple; if I wasn't ready now, I would never be. It felt good being with felt right. 
Unsure at first, I nodded slowly, but as the thoughts started swirling around in my head, I couldn't stop smiling, and finally uttered the word he was waiting for. "Yes."

Holding out a shaky left hand, Aaron tenderly took it into his hand, slipping the engagement ring onto my ring finger. "Thank you," was all he said.
It was a perfect fit, like it was made just for me. Maybe it was. I would never know. And honestly, I didn't care. The ring was just a symbol, a symbol for something bigger. Marriage. Matrimony. Forever being committed to each other. Love. Whatever name you wish to apply to it.
"Aaron...," I croaked, tears forming in my eyes. I don't even take the time to dab them away. They were tears of joy. "We're gonna get married!"
"I know, babe, I know..." He smiled, opening his arms wide. I ran into them, smothering my face and tears into his jacket.

"There's so many things to do, so many people to call... How are we gonna get it all done?"

"Somehow or another, we'll get through it all. Do you want a big, extravagant wedding or just small and secluded?" Aaron shrugged in my arms.

I take a moment to consider his question. "Small. Big, extravagant things have never been my taste. I only want a few people there, like real friends and such."
My new fiancé releases his grip around me, taking a moment to look stare into my eyes. "It's probably about time we get home, huh? Some people want to know how things went, and they're anxious to find out."

"Let's not keep them waiting!" I grinned, turning around towards the car. Something was wrong. Not with the scene around me, but with me. First, the bubbling in my stomach, and then nauseous feeling...

"Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick!" I jumped at the trash can, lowering my head into it. It wasn't as sanitary as a toilet, but it was better than throwing up on the clean pavement.

"Kay-Kay, are you alright? Do you have the stomach bug that's been going around? Or is it the moment that just got too much too handle?" Aaron's worried tone infiltrated my mind, and I felt his hand grasping at my shoulder, trying to keep me from falling over.

"No... None of those," I coughed, spitting at the pavement. The horrible taste still lingered in my mouth, and would for a while, until we got home. "Now would probably be a good time to tell you that I think I'm pregnant."


  1. Ohhh there getting married Ohhh I'm so happy!!!!
    And Kaylin if your anything like your mum you'll be a great mum!! And as for Janelle and Aaron, Awww! Poor Bridget, she needs to find some love.

    I hope Jenna get's locked up forever, I know I'm eveil!

    Just one question - The hair that Jenna had when she was on the bed, Do you have a download link for it because I've been searching the web for it and I just can't find it.

    Also Aaron and Janelle - So sneaky :)

    Anyway enough of me blabbering, great post as usual Destiny :) Looking forward to seeing Baby Webber or Glover soon :D

    1. Kaylin is definitely not like her mother - she's caring, yes, but she doesn't know HOW to handle kids when she has one in her hands. It'll be one of the obstacles she has to overcome. ^_^

      Nope, not evil... Just wishing for justice.

      Um... I believe I got it off of MTS. You should browse through their sections.

      I hope you mean Charlie and Janelle... O.o

      Thanks for commenting, Kurtis!

    2. Thanks for replying I'll go cheack :) And by Aaron and janelle I meant how they planned the engagement.

  2. *sniff sniff* find love bridget, find love
    I WANNA SEE AARONS REACTION TO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cant wait for your next post! awesome job!

    1. *hands tissue* She will, eventually, so do not fret! Her creator would not put her through so much suffering just for her to have a sad ending.

      He loves kids, so he won't freak out too much.

      Thank you, Amiee! :D

  3. Oh. I knew it!!!! I totally knew it!!!! Kaylin HAD to be pregnant last post, cause I've never had a sim get sick from food. Plus they had woohooed a few posts ago. Yeah. I wasn't expecting Janelle and charlie to fall in love. Poor Bridget is all alone now. Except fot the cat. Great post. And yes, Aaron's hair looked nice while He was singing.

    1. Good job spotting it! I wondered who would be able to notice that little hint. :D I do believe that sims can get ill, especially if the food is of horrible quality. I dunno, I should actually try it out sometime...

      Aura will keep Bridget company for now, yeah. :D Until her knight in shining armor appears, of course!

      Hahaha, good to know! Aaron always worries about his hair.

      Thanks for commenting! ♥

    2. I don't know if you take name ideas for kids, or just pets, so.... Girl : Kennedy or Darcy, boy: jasper or luke. Just suggestions. Also another coInindidence ( can't spell that, sorry ) I had stereo hearts playing when I read the post. 0.0 that's slightly creepy,right???
      -al. ; D

    3. Whoa. Seems like a lot of people still love that song! Sadly, I do have the next generation's names written down, but I will keep those names for a future generation, or a spouse. I will definitely be using them, so thank you. :)

  4. EEEEP!!! Yay! An engagement... A pregnancy... Sheesh, I'm all excited now! I really can't wait to see what Kaylin and Aaron's kid looks like. I'm sure that it will be rather adorable. :)

    Janelle and Charlie? I didn't expect that, but they seem adorable together already.

    Great post! I can't wait until chapter 15.

    -Amanda (Laura Johanson)

    1. I KNOW! There are just too many things to be excited for!

      Really? Molly had it all figured out, even though I didn't say anything about those two. O.o

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Laura.

      PS: I'm gonna stick with calling you Laura, rather than Amanda, seeing as that is what I've come to know you by.

  5. Yay! That describes, like, everything in this chapter!

    1. Good to know that it does. :D Thanks for commenting!

  6. Destiny, you take amazing pictures! I was absolutely in love with the picture of Charlie throwing his hands up in the air after being freed from prison. The poses and the lighting were just amazing.

    Aaron and Kaylin!!!!!! *squeals* I can't wait for the wedding, and I can't wait for Bridget to find someone too. Aww, I also love Janelle and Charlie together. Ooh, and the way Aaron sang to Kaylin... so romantic. The weird thing is that I'm listening to Stereo Hearts as I type this comment... O_o

    Can't wait to see some Kayron/Aarlin babies!

    ~Calista Smith

    1. Aw, Molly, you know exactly how to make my day brighter, even when I'm sick. Thank youuuu. *.*

      That coincidental. O_o I was listening to that song (obviously) when I started writing, so I decided I might just as well use it. :D

      Thanks yet again, Molly! :D


  7. Ohmygod you should've taped my face while I was reading this chapter xD You would've gotten a kick out of it :D I was like :OOOOO and then :DDDDD and then YAYAYAYYAY! ^_^

    Nice job putting that One Direction song in there, btw ^_^

    Anyways, this was like, the happiest chapter of all and now I'm going to have a good day :D I know I am. I cannot wait for their wedding siriusly....ohmygod that was so cute!! :D


    1. Haha, I was actually wondering when you would comment, because I wanted to see know your reaction... Glad it was a good one! I added the One Direction song especially for you. :D

      Aw, I'm really happy you think so. Thanks a lot, Izzi!

  8. OMG!!! FINALLY!!! She's engaged to Aaron, and she's pregnant! This is so exciting that I just can't hold it in- I wanna scream. XD
    I just love how Aaron sung for Kaylin before proposing, he's so romantic. I loved Aaron since the beginning and it's great to finally see that them two together! ^_^

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. He definitely is romantic - although at first he wasn't going to be, I had to give in, because he's xD YAY, another person that would join Team Aaron! (Of course, there's no more dispute between Team Aaron and Team Charlie, but I like to think of it that way)

      Thanks, Dawn! I love reading your reaction, it made me laugh. :D

