Sunday 13 May 2012

Generation 2, Chapter 11: Talking with a cat probably means I'm insane

Monday mornings. Those were always the worst. Under every Monday that's in my diary, I wrote "blue Monday". I always assumed that my day would ne horrible in some way. Depressing, huh? That's 'cause I was depressed, after receiving an interesting e-mail from the state penitentiary unit. Apparently, prisoner 493 requested my presence. In other words, Charlie wanted to see me. Charlie. My ex-boyfriend. I couldn't think of him like any more, after all the headlines in the newspapers. Charlie Rapp, also known as "The Raven", a criminal who attacked local celebrities. Of course, he had denied it, but he hadn't been in his right mind for a long time now, so anything he said was hardly believable.

Unable to get a good night's sleep after receiving that e-mail, I got up early, around 6 AM,  to check up on Facebook and even check out some funny YouTube videos. Nothing helped.

"Mrow?" the soft, purring sound came from behind me, questioning why I was up at that hour.
Taking a peek over my shoulder, I smiled, seeing the colorful kitty on my bed. Aura was a sweetheart, and I wished my mom hadn't sent her just for me to give her to Bridget. I loved having a pet greet me each morning.

"Hey there, little one. Did you sleep well?" The purrs that came from Aura was answer enough.I placed Aura back on the bed, and subsequently sit down next to her, caressing her fur between my fingers. "What do you think? Should I face my fears? Should I go see Charlie?" Of course I hadn't expected a real answer. With those big eyes looking up at me, I didn't need one. I slowly realized that I've been going insane, talking with a cat about my problems. Therefore, I had to go see Charlie, to prevent any more insane slip ups.

"Don't tell Janelle about this," I warned Aura as I plucked the brush through my hair a couple of times, then threw it into a random cupboard drawer. "And most importantly, don't say anything to Aaron. He'll have a fit if he found out."

I was right - I really am insane, talking with a cat.
An hour and a half later, I was stuck sitting in the waiting lobby of the prison, until they would allow me visitor privileges. That time came, thankfully, but only after another hour's wait. Going through all of this trouble, just to talk to one man. But talking to him... It would allow me to move on. Finally, they led me through a series of jail bars to one incriminating door, and opened it for me. There, in an orange suit typical of prisons, sat Charlie.
"Charlie Rapp," I sighed, pressing my eyes shut with my thumb and middle finger. To be honest, he hardly looked like Charlie. The dark circles under his eyes were still there, something I remembered from the last time I saw him. His skin took on a more sickly tone, and he looked incredibly hostile. I had no clue why I was there, or why he had wanted to see me.
"So...," I allowed the word to hang in the air, hoping Charlie would start talking. He doesn't. "Would you mind telling me why you wanted to see me?"

Silence emanated through the room. I considered turning on my heels and strutting out of there, but Charlie finally opened his mouth. "I...n-need your help."

Need my help? What does he think I am, the police force?! I gritted my teeth together. Out of pure frustration, I hit my fists down on the table.
"You're angry," he commented, changing his posture to a more business-like pose. "I understand that."

"Understand that?" I blow up at him, unable to contain my anger any longer. It felt good, letting it go. "For God's sake, you attacked Aaron! You almost attacked and raped me, too! And what about all those other people, huh? Some are still in the bloody hospital? Yeah, Charlie, I'm definitely angry. Angry because, for one, you're so freaking calm about all of this."
"I'm calm, because everyday I get pills to change my behavior, as the guards think I'm a security risk and I might freak out and try to break out of here. But I didn't ask you to come here just to talk about my daily feeding, alright?"

"And what did you want to talk about?" I tried to keep the acid out of my voice, but fail.

"About these." Charlie sticked out his arms in front of him, revealing tons of small red dots on them. "Needle marks."

"So you've been doing drugs in here? You really think that will explain your past behavior?"

"No," he shook his head violently, "I had these before I came here. And I don't know where they come from. I think I was being drugged by someone in my sleep, causing me to act out. Kaylin, I would never intentionally hurt anyone. Never. I've been hurt enough in my life, and I'd never wish that on anyone else."
"So you're saying... Someone used you?" Hope. A flicker of hope burned inside me. Hope that all was not lost for Charlie. But hope...It's a fickle thing. It consumes you, and makes you irrational. I have to be rational. Closing my eyes tightly, I envisioned a small flame, hidden between colorless leaves and twigs. In my hands, I held a bottle of sparkling water, and I slowly un-screwed the bottle, titling the impending doom over the flame. Without regret, I poured it onto the small heaps, and heard the sizzling sound of it being extinguished. Yet, after the smoke cleared, it still burned. I couldn't let go of the hope.

I wasn't going to be able to get out of this easy.

"I think so, Kaylin...," Charlie's sad eyes focused on mine, causing me to avert my gaze. I couldn't look into them. I couldn't let him see... See what? I didn't have feelings for him. Or did I? Stop making yourself so insane, idiota! From the corner of my eye, I saw his hand stretch out to take mine. I couldn't. I couldn't.

"Promise me, Kaylin..." Hearing my name in his mouth, so soft and caring, was almost enough to make me run for the hills. Almost. But I stayed, even though every part of my body yelled for me to save myself from this. "Help me find the person that's doing all of this, so he or she could be put behind bars for their crimes, and that I can be free."

"I can't promise that, Charles." Thankfully, my rationality didn't abandon me. "But I will sure as hell try my best to help you."

Three loud thuds thundered on the door behind me, causing me to jump a good five centimeter into the air. A gruff voiced followed, probably that of a prison guard. "Visiting time is over. Get out or get locked in."

"It was good seeing you. I hope to see you again, Kay-Kay," Charlie murmured as I walked out the door, barely audible over the noise of the other inmates. But it reached my ears clearly. Shuddering, I pretty much stormed out of the prison, not even acknowledging the weird stares I received from the receptionist and other guards. I had other matters to attend to, and those matters included talking to my sister.
In my shaky hands, I held a card with my sister's new cell number on it, a card provided by one of Aaron's intelligent police force buddies. Slowly, still eyeing the card thoughtfully, I started typing her number in, and sent her a short text message. You'd think that after the last meeting I had with my sister, she would never want to see me again. I was wrong.

Where do u want 2 meet? the message flashed ominously on my phone screen. I couldn't believe she had replied. I added my name to the bottom of my text, and she REPLIED. Remember, this doesn't mean she will agree. Maybe she's just curious.

@ coffeeshop, I replied back. That happened to be where I was lounging at the time, trying to calm the nerves that threaten to take over my mind. My foot idly kept tapping on the floor, and after a short while, it turned into an entire melody. Music. It was the only thing that helped me. It was my only escape.

B ther in 5. Five minutes. That gave me enough time to collect my thoughts and stress my butt off for this meeting. 

Right on time, Bridget arrives, a trait so unlike her. Was I living in a dream world? An illusion, where everything is perfect? Could my sister really have changed? She had been so scarred by Keegan, the bastardo. Her innocence was ripped away from her, and the love my parents always showed wavered whenever she was around. She had been too easily influenced. Perhaps that quality is what saved her.

"Morning, Kaylin," Bridget greeted me dryly, a hint of detestation worming itself into her voice, no wonder how much she wanted to hide it. 
"Good morning, Bridget," I reply politely, putting on the best fake smile I could manage. "Please, take a seat."

Behind her glasses, I saw Bridget's brow furrow, and her eyes narrow. It was obvious: she didn't really want to be here, talking with me, but for some reason, she still came. All I knew was, I had to start talking, and fast, to be able to keep her here.
Taking a seat, I sit forward on the edge of my seat, preparing to launch into full speech mode about the gift mom had sent her. But even before I could start talking, Bridget was quick to brush away my attempt at reconciliation.

"Whatever you say today, don't say sorry. I can't handle your fake apologies and puppy dog eyes tearing up."

That was definitely the same old Bridget attitude. She never wanted anyone to feel sorry for her.

"I wasn't going to say sorry, Bridget. I have nothing to be sorry about," chin up, I almost wanted to smile as Bridget pulled back apprehensively. Crossing my legs over each other into a more comfortable position, I waved the waiter away that happened to be sneaking up to us to take our order. "I just wanted to give you a... a package that mom sent for you."

"And where would this package be?" the simple question comes acidly from between her teeth. "I don't see anything on you, or is it really small? Does mother hate me that much?"
"The package isn't with her, obviously. Good lord, did all that hair dye make you dumb? Your mother loves you a lot more than to just send you a key chain with a heart on it. It's at Kaylin's apartment," the answer flows from the street, and both of our heads snapped up to see Aaron strutting towards our small table.

"Of course you would know about everything that's in Kaylin's apartment, huh? How many nights have you slept over there already?"

"None," I choke out. "My personal life has nothing to do with you!"

"Touching. Being a real gentleman with my sis, huh, Aaron?"

His only reply came in the form of a smirk, not even giving her an appropriate answer. Aaron's arm sneaked under mine, gently tugging me to stand upright. "Can you come with me quickly? I have a theory I want to test out," he huskily whispered, tugging me yet again. It had to be urgent.
As soon as we were out of earshot from Bridget, Aaron grabbed me around my hips, bringing my lips closer to his. "Wait, what are you doing, Aaron? You sounded so worried back there?"

"I just had to get you away from there without making it sound so obvious as to what I wanted to do," he smiles, his lips caressing my neck. God, I was so ticklish in that area, and he always had to take advantage of it.

"Make what sound so obvious? Aaron, what's going on?" I pushed him away from me, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Listen to me, Kaylin. My friend, Julian, from the police force, had received misinformation about Bridget. She has no boyfriend. And that snazzy apartment of hers isn't even hers. She made up a fake cover just to get back at you."

"That's a lame way of getting back at someone," I frowned, eyes flitting towards Bridget momentarily. "What theory did you want to test out?"

"I have a feeling that her fake front will crumble if she's angry enough... Or if she sees something that would upset her," Aaron revealed mysteriously, yet again tugging my arms away from my body. This time, I allowed him. "And what else would upset her more than seeing her older sister being happily in love?"

"Ingenious! Have I ever told you, Aaron Glover, that you're a freaking genius?"

"Not at all. You can try making up for that by kissing me...," a familiar cheeky grin flashed across his face, and I couldn't help but smile. Everything about Aaron made me feel like a child again.
Taking one step closer to him, I planted a solid kiss on his lips, but with Aaron, one kiss is never enough. His arms pulled me close to his body, tightly, and his mouth forced mine open. The mumbling that continues behind us is all that managed to stop Aaron, and he pulled away with a smile, satisfied. Bridget was not impressed by this show of affection, and she was about to freak out.
"God, you two love birds can never get enough of each other. FINE. I'll leave." With that statement to be her parting words, Bridget turned on her heels and darted down the street, much like how we had parted the other day.

"Are you happy now? You chased away my sister. Yet again, we left on bad terms. Mom is so gonna kill me when she founds out I didn't give Aura to her."

"That wasn't the last we've seen from Bridget today," Aaron pulled me back to him, hugging me tightly around my middle. "Trust me, she'll be back."

And of course, I trust him. If Aaron has a theory he wanted to test out,  would see it through with him.
With a bit of protesting coming from me, I finally give up arguing with Aaron, and allowed him to lead me to wherever he was going. Strangely, he led me to the park.

"You know, I often think back to the night I was attacked here... I don't want to go to a psychologist to bring up the events of that evening, but... But if I had to focus real hard on who the attacker had been... Well, I'm sorry to even be admitting this, but it had to be Charlie. His description matched everything. My best friend attacked me, and I have no idea why," Aaron buried his face in his hands, and his shoulders softly shook. It took me a moment to realize that he was crying. I had never seen a man cry before, and the sight was disturbing, to say the least. It's as if he didn't know how to cry.

"Maybe he wasn't doing it of his own accord," I tried to lift his spirits, thinking back to what Charlie had told me that morning. If only I could tell Aaron of Charlie's confession. But Aaron had given up on Charlie and probably would never want to see him again. If I told him of the meeting, he would possibly yell at me for not taking someone along with me, or telling me that Charlie poisoned my mind. Something along those lines.
"You mean the whole multiple-personality theory? You know I just threw you that because I didn't want you guys to think I'm a nut case," Bridget came to stand in front of us, arms crossed. She looked exactly like she used to, well, technically, how she looked like before she tried to look like a goody-two-shoes. The usual black attire, the blue hair and even blue lipstick... I never thought I would say it, but I missed that style of hers. So what if Gothic was her style, or to be more precise, blue-Gothic-ish? She was my sister, and I accepted her the way she was, and the way she dressed.
Flashing one last smile at Aaron, I got up from the almost-broken wooden bench I had been sitting on, to face my baby sister. It felt as if we could stare at each other for hours, because my eyes reflected hers, and vice versa. We had the same eye color, that of our father, and somehow that brought us closer. In that way, we shared a bond.

"I have absolutely no idea why I came here again, but for some reason, I'm here, so if you have anything to say, please do," Bridget uttered, sounding all the more awkward as she talked.

"All I wanted was to deliver the damn present mom sent," I started, but realized that wasn't all I came for. "And... I miss you. The apartment isn't the same. It's not an apology, because seriously, I have nothing to be sorry for, but it might be an invitation for you to come back and stay in my apartment."

Only silence remained in the air after I delivered that sentence, and then... "OMG, pleasetellmeyourserious!" the words came so fast from her it sounded like one word. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Seriously, I've been renting some place for my fake cover, and it's really pricey. I wouldn't have been able to afford another month's rent. You. Are. A. Lifesaver."
"You can repay me by stopping your freaking-out episode, alrighty?" I take her by the shoulders, trying to stop her from jumping into the air the whole time, too giddy and relieved to stand still at all.

"Okay, but... But how else? There has to be another way. Here! A hug for my sister! That could work."

Not knowing exactly how, Bridget's arm enveloped me into a hug that felt eerie, seeing as Bridget was very bony. But it was the thought that count, right?

"Uh, thanks, I think. Um, now it's probably time for your gift that mom left. It's at the apartment, so, if you want to get your suitcase and stuff, now would be a very good time."
Bridget obviously still had the problem of being disorganized, as it took her a full hour just to get one suitcase ready. There were still two left to be packed. After what felt like an eternity, Aaron eventually drove us back home, and Bridget could hardly stop jumping up and down on the back seat. She had always loved surprises, and it's something about her that will never change.

Entering the apartment, my baby sister immediately spotted her present. Aura was sitting much like a queen on a chair, waiting our return. As soon the kitty saw us, she jumped off onto the floor.

"D'awwww! Isn't that the CUTEST, most FLUFFIEST thing EVER?" Bridget moved closer to the couch, peering over it to see little Aura.
Curiosity peaking, Aura peered up to look at Bridget as well, but with a more mischievous glint in her eyes than ever before. It made me wonder what she wanted to do.

Wanted to do...

Oh, crap.

"Someone, grab that cat, right now!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.
It was too late. She couldn't be stopped, and the couch couldn't be saved from Aura's piercing nails.
"That...," my voice escaped through clenched teeth, sounding sharp.

"...little..." Aaron spat.

...ANGEL!" Bridget completed our statement, albeit not the way we had intended it to end.
"I have a feeling me and this cat will get along just dandy...," Bridget smiled, flashing all of her teeth. Aura seemed to like her already, moving closer the hand Bridget had extended.

"I concur with that statement," I chuckle, "And her name is Aura, by the way."

"Aura... That's such a cute name. C'mere Aura, you and me are gonna be best buds from now on."

While Bridget entertained Aura with a small laser, I moved towards the kitchen, aiming to make coffee for us all. Aaron's hand shoots out in front of me, almost knocking me to the floor.

"Woah, careful with that arm. Didn't you know you could hurt someone with that?" I pointed out tersely, moving his hand out of my face.

"Yeah, sorry. I just had to stop and give this to you," Aaron smiled, handing me a neatly wrapped box.
"Oh, Aaron! This is so nice of you! What's the occasion? What's inside?" I accept the white box with red lint, looking at it from all angles.

"Guess," he simply stated, trying hard to contain a huge grin.

Bringing the box closer to my ear, I shook it once or twice, and frowned. "All I can make out is jingling. What is it, jewellery? A chain?"
"Almost. It has a chain, so you guessed that part right. It's a set of keys."

"Keys?" I asked, still frowning. Honestly, I was dumbfounded, and if Aaron didn't supply a good answer any time fast, I might have to beat him up just to get one. "Aaron, you know I have a bad track record at guessing. What are the bloody keys for?"

"A house... It's my way of asking you to move in with me."

"M-m-move in with you?" I stuttered. The thoughts of moving in with Aaron caught me off guard. I hadn't been spending so much time thinking about our future. I just let things follow their own paths, and if I didn't like it, I would steer it back into a direction I felt comfortable with. But moving in? It was so sudden, so out of the blue. Bridget and I had just reconciled and moved backed in together, and here I was going again, moving away from her.

Mom taught me many things, and one thing was make the right decisions. I had to map out my thoughts, and decide whether or not Aaron was the rigt guy for me.

All that I could think was 'yes'. Aaron is special, and I love him. He is the man I want to be with. So maybe it was time to take the big step.
"You're really mysterious, Aaron. There hadn't been any signs that told me that you were planning this," I accused him playfully, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Maybe you weren't paying attention. Maybe I was distracting you...," he smiled in turn, and brushed away the locks of hair that happened to fall in front of my eyes. That one touch...was electrifying. "You haven't given an answer yet, you know. I understand if you say 'no'. It's too soon, I realize th-"

"Oh, no. Nope. You are not backing out of this, Mr Glover. You made the offer, and your stuck with me now!" Taking a step backwards, I lunged into his arms, hugging his neck, and bombarding him with kisses. "If you haven't noticed, my answer is 'yes'."


  1. Yay! Happy day! Well, not for Charlie... but still. They are moving in together, Brigit is back, and it's my birthday!

    Great chapter and oh so interesting drama with Charlie. I wonder if he is telling the truth, could it even be proven?

    1. Aw, happy birthday! Even though it's a day late... :/ It definitely is a happy day, though!

      Thank you very much for your comment. :D

  2. Oh happy days!!
    I just adored this chapter so so much !!!!
    The lovely fact is that Kaylin is moving in with him. I am suspecting wedding bells soon????
    Anyway great great chapter as usual.

    1. You do suspect correctly, but it might be another few chapters' wait.

      Thanks, Kurtis, for your lovely comment as usual!

    2. You are very very welcome :D

  3. OMR THAT WAS THE CUTEST THINGS EVER!! AHHHH!! I am dying from cuteness <3

    That kitty, tsk tsk ;)


    1. I KNOOOOOOW! Isn't she the greatest kitty? :)

      You'll find out in due time... Hahaha, thanks, Izzi.

  4. OMG I loved the photography. And the writing too of course!

    But the ligting is so cool. It really really sets the mood. I especially like the picture where Aaron is coming up to talk with Kaylin, because it looks like he is bringing the sunshine!

    Aaron always seems to know where Kaylin is...wierd...

    Anyway, awesome chapter!


    1. Aw, thank you very very much. The lighting seemed to fall in place nicely, something which hardly happens in my game. :)

      Aaron knew where Kaylin would be meeting Bridget that morning, but you make an excellent point. I should remember to add a better explanation each time.

      Thanks, yet again, for your opinion and input!

  5. Yes! He popped the important question! Now it's time for him to ask the final question! I can't wait because I love them together! :D

    Also, I'm glad Aura and Bridget get along well. Bridget's blue hair sort of matches the patches of blue on Aura's coat.

    ~Calista Smith
