Sunday 20 May 2012

Generation 2, Chapter 12: Sound proof walls would be a lovely gift for Christmas

Exhausted. That would be a very apt word that described my current state. For the past two days, Aaron and I were moving around furniture non-stop. We had to clear out the stuff at his house, and then the few things I had at my apartment. I had decided to leave Bridget with the kitchen and lounge's things, so she would at least feel like she still lives in a home.

The many nights we had gone without sleep had finally taken a toll on me, and I was sprawled across the single couch in our house, resting, adamant that I wouldn't be lifting another finger. Just five minutes nap. It can't hurt, can it...

"Kaylin? Kaylin! You can't fall asleep now!" Aaron's soft voice ripped me out of the void I was falling into, between being awake and fast asleep.
"Aw, come on! I just wanted to close my eyes for a minute. Aaron, one morning when you're asleep, I swear I'm going to shake you awake," I muttered into the couch's pillows, stubbornly refusing to get up and do anything.

"Kay-Kay, the couch is currently the only thing we've moved into the house. Not even the kitchen is furnished, so we have no food. Let's at least get some more done, and then we'll doze for some well deserved snoozing."
"What time is it?" my fingers moved to my eyes, carefully rubbing the sleep away from my bottom lid.

"Look out the window," Aaron pointed to the huge window that was conveniently located right in front of us. "It's night time already."

"And that's the time we should go to sleep. Night!"

"Kaylin!" the bulky arms of my boyfriend surrounded me, shaking me out of my sleepy state. "Just a few more furniture pieces, then we'll crash somewhere."

Great. Aaron's pleading voice won me over, and I caved in, agreeing to move some more stuff around. That continued until 3 AM, when Aaron finally fell asleep outside on a lawn chair.
6 AM came, and my phone's alarm vibrated in my pocket, causing us both to wake up. Without a second glance, I threw the iPhone into the pool. So what? I'd have to get a new phone, but at the time, I honestly didn't care.

"Mmm... Get up. Have," Aaron grumbled beside me, still in a state of sleep-deprived-ness.

"Shut up, Aaron," I almost giggled, observing the drool spilling over his lips. He looked like hell, and I guessed I didn't look that well either. "Almost everything is done. All that's left that has to be furnished is the outhouse, and that isn't of much importance."

"Oh... Okay...," he nodded his head, dozing off yet again. Not even a minute later, he shot upright, looking at me with almost-frightening eyes. "How many kids do you want?"
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA. Where the hell did that come from?" I hollered, unable to keep a hint of apprehension sneaking into my voice. Since when did Aaron start thinking of having kids? We weren't married. Gosh, we weren't even engaged.

"Just before I woke up... I was dreaming. There were so many kids in it, it was scary. But it had me thinking... Are we gonna have kids one day?"

The sly smile that spread across Aaron's face was enough to make me realize he was kidding.

"Oh, I don't know... How many kids do I want? At least a dozen. Six girls, six boys. The boys look like their father and the girls like me. Though there is one problem... Who said I was planning on having kids with you?"
Taken aback for a moment, Aaron quickly recovered his smile, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "You're good. You figured it all out so quickly, huh? Damn, your mom or dad have to be real smart, seeing as you got so much brain inside that head."

"And you're parents had to be pretty dumb, seeing as you're dumb," I countered, smiling slyly in turn.

"Oh, they're not dumb. They just dropped me a lot on my head," he cackled.

"Bite me," I rolled my eyes, turning my gaze back at the pool in front of us, only to notice a small speckle of white fur standing close by.
"Aaron! Aaron, look!" my voice sounded excited as I called his name out. Beside me stood the cutest little puppy I had ever laid my eyes on.  The fuzzy fur, the small paws... I cringed with joy. It was too much to handle, this cuteness overload.

"Kay-Kay... Calm down. It's a stray dog, it probably has rabies or something. Trust me, you do not want rabies. It's deadly, so just... Let's get the hell away from that thing."

"BUT Aaron! Look at that face!" The white-colored puppy mouth took the form of a pout, looking up at us with begging eyes.
Who cared what Aaron said? The dog didn't look infected. Ignoring his warning, I inched closer to the puppy, letting it sniff my hand.

"It's so friendly... Aaron, you were just talking about children. How about we get a dog as a trial run?"

"Seriously?" from his tone of voice I could guess that he was frowning. "Do you think we have money for it? And... I dunno, it's a big responsibility."

"Hey, you want children some day. They're also a big responsibility!" I laughed.
Picking the little angel from the ground, I observed that "it" was indeed a "she", which made me smile. I don't know why, but I always had a preference for female dogs. Yes, they had to get neutered to prevent little babies, if that wasn't what we wanted, but at least they didn't lift their legs up and spray urine all over the house.

As if she was reading my thoughts, the puppy inched toward me and licked my neck, proving even further that we should take her in.
Giggling like a teenager who's hanging out with her friends, I pulled the cutie away from me, looking deep into her eyes.

"What should we name you, huh? How about Chloe? But that's a person's name... Hmm... It doesn't matter, does it? But it's not the perfect name... You're like a gem, it should have to do with that. Like Jemma, perhaps? Yeah, that's the name. You'll be my sweet Jemma."
A clear of the throat coming from Aaron forced me to turn around. His questioning eyes fell on the dog, and he slowly lowered himself to her eye-level.

"Eyes look good... Fur looks healthy... She doesn't look like she has rabies or anything," he muttered as he observed the dog's exterior.

"Thank you, doctor Glover. Since when are you a vet?"

"Since now, when I was worrying that my girlfriend would become sick."

"Nice to know you care."

"I care enough to tell you this... Kay, I don't think we can keep her. She's healthy, yes, but also a little too friendly. She's a house pet, which means she's some else's pet."

The thought that the white dog, now named Jemma, could be someone else's... I didn't want to think like that. I had fallen in love, just by looking at her.

"Maybe...," I hesitated to express the words that lingered in my head. "Maybe we could just keep her for now, take care of her and stuff, until someone turns up searching for her. Please tell me we can at least do that?"

Stubbornness was always my family's strong point. We never gave up when we wanted something, and it wasn't about to change anytime soon. Aaron had lost the argument, and he knew it. "Fine," he sighed, taking a step back. "Go into town and buy some pet food for her. We can keep her, but only for a while, alright?"
Twenty three minutes and a drive to the supermarket later, I was feeding Jemma some pellets that are supposedly endorsed by veterinarians. Never believe in what they say on the packets, but nevertheless, I was using that packet. Jemma softly whimpered as I started throwing the chewy bites into her bowl, and to appease her impatient side, I scratched her behind the ear.

"Enjoy, Jemma. Hope it's tasty, 'cause it sure doesn't look like it is."
"Babe? Are you gonna watch the movie or am I stuck watching this chick flick by myself?" Aaron's voice emerged from the lounge, and I quickly jogged to join him before he turned the TV off.

"I'm here, no worries," I smiled, allowing him to pull me down onto the seat next to him. "As if I would abandon you to endure such pain by yourself."

As if on cue, Jemma jumped onto the couch next to us, agreeing with my statement that Aaron wasn't alone.

"Hahaha... Even the dog agrees," Aaron chuckled, quickly planting a kiss on my lips. In that moment we were staring into each other's eyes, I could see something was troubling him.

"What's up? You look... Well, you look like your stressing about something."

"I am, actually. I decorated the bedroom last night when you were taking a snooze, and now I'm worried that you won't like it."

"You could have just asked me to go look at it. How about now? We can watch the movie at any later time. I'm really curious as to how big the damage is up stairs."
Up the spiral staircase, and on the second floor, most of the walls were left unpainted and colorless. It lacked personality. That was one thing I disliked. My house always needed personality.

"Aaron, I know you won't like this, but I think I'm gonna paint these walls screaming pink or lime green. We need color in here."

"Um," I could see Aaron blinking rapidly as he imagined how the hallway would look with those colors, "we'll talk about that later. Just take a look at the bedroom, first."

Rolling my eyes at Aaron's nervous voice, I reached out for the door knob and turned it, opening the door.

" Did you do all of this?!"
The room was a perfect blend of our favorite colors, green and blue. I didn't even know that Aaron knew what my favorites were.

"I take back what I said earlier, about you being dumb. You're a genius when it comes to decorating," I hugged Aaron around his neck, planting kisses all around his neck area.

"So you like it?" he sounded hopeful.

"Like it? I love it!"
Aaron's hand reached out and squeezed my arm gently. He was relieved that I was happy with the room. I could guess why. It seemed as if a lot of effort went into designing the room, a fact that I appreciated.

"Hey, Kaylin...," a grin spread along his face. "How about you and I stay in bed...for the entire day, maybe?"

That innocent suggestion held a lot of information, if you looked between the lines.

"Staying in bed sounds great. How about we freshen up first, though? Meet back in five?"

"Staying in bed" was the best idea Aaron had had in a very long time. His eager arms had pulled me towards him, and things just became crazy. Clothing pieces dropped quicker than a coffee mug that had been spilled to the floor. Kisses were exchanged randomly. Aaron was an animal. He had a strange hunger... I guess we  had both wanted this experience for a while. My sister had done it when she was a teenager, and now I had mine. I was glad, to be honest, to have saved everything up for only Aaron.

The only thought that made everything else imperfect was the fact that Aaron had been with a lot of other girls before he found me.

Hours passed, and with that, Aaron and I also passed out exhausted, falling asleep while looking into each other's eyes. A shrill sound coming from the front door yet again ruined the moment.

No matter how hard I tried, I always ended up having a bad day.

" the door... I'll go get it...," I grumbled lazily, pushing the bed covers away from me.

"Nooo! Don't go. Come back and cuddle with me for like, another five minutes or something," Aaron protested, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back to him again.

"I wish I could, but it would be bad of us to ignore the doorbell," I gently tugged his fingers loose, and picked up my lingerie, slipping it on wordlessly. "How about you go downstairs and get us something to eat. I'm freakin' starving already."

"Fine. Be prepared to get food poisoning, 'cause I can't cook to save my life."
I didn't know what I was expecting when I opened the door. Maybe it was the mailman, who just rung the doorbell to let us know he left the newspaper. Maybe it was some kids playing a prank. Whatever the case, I just flung the door open, only to retract behind the door in horror. Shit. I was hardly wearing anything, and there I was, opening the door for what seemed to be a proper looking man.

"Um, can I help you?" I bit my lip, trying very hard not to go on a swearing spree.

"Uh... Yes, I believe you can," the stranger in the suit narrowed his eyes at me, taking in my surprised expression. From what I could guess, he had to be at least over forty, nearing fifty, having gray hairs sprouting out all over his head. "On behalf of the neighborhood, I'd like to ask you to keep it down a notch. Some disturbing sounds were heard, and uh... Well, we really didn't want to hear it."

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud, not caring what he thought. It seemed our reputation in the new neighborhood had already been ruined. "Were we THAT loud?"

"I wouldn't know," he smiled suddenly. "I don't really live around here. I'm searching for someone, and a very nice blue haired lady gave me this address."

My heart rate decreased, and I could breath again. I didn't like the fact that he made a joke of all this, but I guess I had to accept his nature. He had mentioned Bridget, so obviously she must have sent him here.

"And whom, might I ask, are you searching for?" I cleared my throat, trying to keep my voice from peaking again.

"Aaron Glover. I have something to discuss with him... Who might you be? Aaron's dashingly beautiful wife?"

"Nah, I'm just his girlfriend at the moment," I blushed, smiling timidly behind the door. "We just moved in together. My name's Kaylin."

"Ah, I see..." The frown between his eyes became more pronounced. "Kaylin? I know that name... Are you by any chance Destiny Rose's girl?"

"It's Destiny Webber, sir," I corrected him. "And yes, that's my mother."

"Oh, well that explains it. You look just like your father. My name is-"
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Aaron called out as he came to the door. Turning my head to Aaron, I pointed with my head that he was in his nightwear. "Um... Excuse the clothing. We were sleeping."

"You sure that was all you were doing?" the man chuckled softly. "Anyways, I was in town for business, and I heard you were making quite a name for yourself here, so I wanted to check up on you."

"Aaron, do you know this man?" I asked, looking back and forth between my boyfriend and the man outside.
"I do...," Aaron sighed, planting a fist into the door frame, kicking it wordlessly. "This is my uncle. I haven't seen him since I was ten, seeing as he had disappeared without a word."

"But now I'm back," Aaron's uncle assured him self confidently. "And I won't be leaving so soon."

"I'm sorry," I interrupted their stare down," I didn't catch your name...?"

"Oh, where are my manners!" he apologized. "My name's Dwayne Lewis. But you can just call me Uncle Dwayne. That's what Aaron always called me."


Now, for those of you who had never read my baby challenge, Dwayne would be a new face. But to those who did read it... You'll probably remember what he did and how much he screwed up. For newcomers, don't worry, all will be explained in the next post, so don't go read 30 posts of my baby challenge just to find out who Dwayne is.

Oh, and a big thank you to the user Thalbal, who suggested the lovely name "Jemma".




    That was actually a very good idea. And I liked the bit where Kaylin first answered the door, it was very amusing.


    1. Yes, I did. I had to. He was one of the best good/bad guys in my story, and I missed him. I know, I have a sick sense of humor. :D Thanks for commenting, Skye!

  2. Holy shit- I DID NOT SEE that coming. Kaylin call your mother quickly. Great post and I am still in shock. Dwayne Lewis is back....

    1. Kaylin doesn't know who Dwayne really is, so she doesn't have to be afraid of him (yet). Hopefully someone will warn her. Thank you for commenting. :)

  3. Jemma is so dang cute!

    Oh my, Bridget never ceases to amuse me. Poor Kaylin, that would be such an awkward situation!

    And daaannggg, I did NOT expect that to be Dwayne. Now I'm excited to see how things turn out with him. :)

    1. Ah yes, Bridget. Though she isn't living with Kay anymore, she still finds a way to make her life awkward. :D

      Thanks, Amanda (Laura?), for your comment. :)

  4. DWAYNE?! Wait...Dwayne's his UNCLE?!

    *whimper* I'm scared..... :/

    I have to say this again: THAT. DANG. DOG. IS. SO. DANG. CUTE. I. CAN'T. STAND IT ANY. LONGER. Also, Kaylin is one of THE prettiest sims EVER <3


    1. Yeah... As they say, "You can choose your friends, but not your family." ;)

      Aw, don't be scared! He won't be as bad as last time... At least, for a while, that is.

      Hahaha, you and dogs. Thanks, Izzi!

  5. Oh my gosh, this ending was epic! I was wondering how that man could have known Destiny and how he knew that Kaylin looked like her father. Ooh goodness, this is great!

    I'm so excited for the next chapter! :D

    ~Calista Smith

  6. Yay! Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so happy I'm beginning to talk like a 5 year old!

    Plus, rlly Dwayne! Way to ruin a moment.

    1. Hahaha, that's alright. Thanks, yet again, for the name suggestion. I really love it. :D

  7. Hm... I'm thinking Dwayne has something to do with Charlie. And he's Aaron's uncle??? Kaylin, grad that boyfriend of yours and run
